Megan Bedell
Megan Bedell, Untitled, 2003, glass, installation at Friar House, Newcastle upon Tyne
The central themes of Megan Bedell’s work are language, (mis)communication and code. Often, her work is based on the rebus, a puzzle consisting of familiar symbols and imagery with letters subtracted or added to form words or phrases. Her appropriation of objects inscribed with letters takes the rebus to further levels of confusion and puzzlement, inviting misinterpretation and rendering prescribed interpretation impossible.
Elsewhere, her use of materials such as dirt, sand and glass to spell out words introduces another level of association. Undermining notions of fixed meaning by revealing the constantly mutating and dynamic nature of language, Bedell’s work – with its (re)presentations and repetitions – is full of possibility and playful humour.
Megan Bedell, Untitled (detail), 2003, glass
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