Hermelinde Hergenhahn
Hermelinde Hergenhahn, Day in Day out IX (Newcastle upon Tyne) , 2003, video projection, Forth Hotel, Pink Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne
The authentic re-presentation of reality in the work of Hermelinde Hergenhahn addresses the banality of the everyday and suffuses it with a lilting poetry. For her site-specific video installation, Day in Day out, made on location in different European cities – and, for ‘Space Between Us’, in Newcastle upon Tyne – Hergenhahn chooses a specific place in the city. From a high vantage point she records onto video the movements and activities of people passing below every day.
During the night the original footage is precisely projected onto exactly the same position. She allows her viewer the time to observe the beauty within a single gesture – someone flicking their hair, smoking a cigarette or just waiting – the flow of passing life. Hergenhahn’s intense gaze reflects the environment in which the work was made, drawing on the pleasure of slowness and of suspended time.
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