More Than Homeless
2-11 May 2019
‘More Than Homeless’, 2019, installation view
‘More Than Homeless’ is a project created by Depaul, a charity working in some of the UK’s most disadvantaged communities, looking to prevent homelessness and provide support to vulnerable young people at every step of their journey.
The exhibition celebrates the potential of young people through their identity – an identity beyond homelessness. A cardboard box can often conjure up negative images of a homeless person. The young people at Depaul challenge this stereotype and prove they are more than that. The cliché is flipped on its head using mixed media on cardboard boxes to represent themselves as individuals.
‘More Than Homeless’, 2019, installation view
Every box is different, interesting and thought provoking. Each young person has a story which is reflected in the boxes. Depaul work with young people who have many talents, from a sprinter who competed at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016, to an A* scholar, to a skilled coastal fisherman! Homelessness can happen to anyone; the young people in the exhibition show that a cardboard box can be used for many things, but sleeping should not be one of them.
Depaul UK empowers young people experiencing homelessness. The organisation provides emergency accommodation, supported housing and other services to help people rebuild their lives. Depaul’s mission is to end homelessness and change the lives of people affected by it. They believe in a society in which everyone has a place to call home and a stake in their community. Depaul UK is part of Depaul International, a worldwide family of charities inspired by St Vincent de Paul, a major social reformer in 17th Century France.
For more information on go to the Depaul UK website
Take a video tour of the exhibition
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